You want to set an example for your kids!
And Mama, that is incredibly wise. As parents, we ultimately only have control over ourselves and the environment in which we raise our kids. But they will eventually make their own decisions about what matters to them and spend their time accordingly. Learning to manage our own phone use hits on both areas of control. We can both set an example and work to create a family environment where virtue can flourish.
What’s more, when we have obtained self-mastery over our phone use, we can set limits for our children with clear integrity. “Do as I say, but not as I do” isn’t very effective, and it’s much harder to enforce with confidence. When we can instead say, “this is so true, so important, and so worthwhile that I’ve made these shifts in my own life,” our kids see that and it comes across completely differently than top-down rules.
As we move into this challenge, what do you want your phone use to look like?
Grab the pre-work HERE.